Product Care

We are sure that you will be pleased with your new concrete border. It will save you HOURS of edging and trimming time in addition to enhancing your yard.

Following are some brief facts and instructions for the care and maintenance of your new concrete border.

  • Your new concrete does not need to be sprayed or misted with water.
  • Your new border is a concrete product. Most concrete takes approximately 28 days to totally cure. During the two weeks following installation, be extra careful not to damage the curbing. Items such as rakes, shovels and other gardening tools should be used with caution.
  • Keep children, adults, pets and vandals away from your border for at least the first 24 hours. It may feel hard to the touch, but it is still susceptible to damage during the first 24 hours.
  • Sod laying, sprinkler work and other landscape work should be delayed for at least 48 hours after installation, and then done with care around the border.
  • During the first 7 days keep lawn mowers off of your border. The wheels likely will not damage the border, but metal corners on your lawn mower may scratch or damage during the curing period.
  • If it begins to rain within the first 4 hours after installation, cover the border with plastic. Make sure to remove it the next day.
  • During the first 24 to 48 hours you should avoid direct sprinkler impact on the border. After 24 hours a mist would not create any damage, but a sprinkler within a couple of feet could cause some pitting in your new border.
  • Efflorescence can appear in concrete for a variety of reasons. This white powder substance occurs because of water and salts. As water evaporates off of the border, sometimes the salty substance is left behind. It can come out of the ground or be a result of rain or sprinkler systems. The intensity varies depending on the volume and hardness of the water. If you water frequently, efflorescence may appear more readily. If you need to clean efflorescence, simply mix a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water and with light brushing it can be removed. You may have to do this more than once, but eventually the efflorescence should go away.
  • Some fertilizers and chemicals will stain the border as they would any other concrete. You should alert those doing the fertilizing to avoid spraying their product on the border. Iron will especially discolor it, whether in granules or in spray form. If you feel the concrete has been sprayed, hose it down shortly after they have finished fertilizing.
  • If your border has been colored, it has also been sealed. Color will eventually fade from ultraviolet light and UV rays. We encourage you to consider having it sealed every year to two years. We will return and do this for you if you wish for a nominal fee. Just call us and we will gladly return to help you keep your curbing looking like new.

Thank you for choosing Creative Borders to place your concrete border. Our business is based on our reputation for quality work and a quality product.

If you have any questions, concerns or referrals,
please call us at 262-770-1156.